Contact us

Use the form on the right to get in touch
or call us on 01347 823463.

Thank you.

Raskelf Road, Easingwold
York, North Yorkshire, YO61 3LA

01347 823463

Welcome to Twinkle Twinkle Day Nursery, a place where you child can shine. When it comes to choosing childcare it can be a very difficult time making sure you have found the best place for your child. Here at Twinkle Twinkle Day Nursery we provide good quality childcare in a homely environment. Our team of staff are exceptional in ensuring children benefit from a truly unique experience.


Terms & Conditions


  • Twinkle twinkle day nursery is open all year round except bank holidays and 1 or 2 weeks over Christmas depending on how it falls.
  • You must notify us as soon as possible of any changes that are different to your enrolement form in case of an emergency. 
  • We ask that fees are paid monthly in advance, they will be sent out 1 week before the end of the month and then you will have until the 10th of every month to pay your fees. You can pay directly into nursery's bank account or we accept cash / cheque. If we don't receive payment after the 10th of the month you will incur a charge of £10, if the fees are still outstanding the charge will rise again by £10 for every week you don't pay. If fees are still outstanding by the 1st of the next month then your child will be no longer able to attend the nursery until the fees are paid. If fees are still unpaid we will have no other choice than to get in touch with a debt collector to collect any outstanding fees.
  • Late collection of children with incur a charge of £5 for every 15 minutes late unless notified.
  • We ask for 1 month's written notice if you wish to terminate your child's contract with nursery.
  • Holidays / sickness - All children are entitled to 1 weeks holiday per year free of charge, however at least 1 months notice must be given in writing. Any other holidays or days off will still be charged as normal. Please see our sickness policy for more information on staying off nursery.
  • Password scheme - This prevents just anyone from collecting your child. If someone arrives at nursery to collect your child and the staff don't recognise that person then they can ask for the password if that person doesn't know the password then we wont let your child leave with them. Sometimes it may be that you are late leaving work or stuck in traffic so send a neighbour to collect your child then you must tell them your password as we will be unable to let them collect your child without the correct password.